The Nazi-Sozi (PDF)


The Nazi-Sozi is a pamphlet written by Joseph Goebbels aimed at explaining and justifying the ideology and methods of the National Socialists to Germans living during the tumultuous times of the Weimar Republic. In it, he critiques Marxist socialism and liberalism, positioning National Socialism as a superior alternative that emphasizes nationalism and the unity of the German people into a one-class state.

Formatted as a dialogue between himself and a skeptical German citizen, Goebbels answers the questions of his imaginary interlocutor, asserting that National Socialism represents the authentic voice of the working class, and is the only way to truly create a greater Germany.

Overall, The Nazi-Sozi articulates the ideological foundation of National Socialism while dismissing competing political ideologies as ineffective or harmful for the German people.

In this edition, Lucas Gage tags each of the character’s statements during the dialogue to help the reader identify who is speaking, rather than having them rely solely on quotation marks. He also revised and edited the original text, changing the English translation into American English, modifying punctuation for smoother reading, and replacing uncommonly used words to avoid confusion.

Later editions of this work were published without the “Will to Power” section, which this version includes.



PDF file

50 Pages